Who would’ve thought I’d post again about my projects for my DTC course? Interesting! Maybe I’m destined to blog again… LOL

DTC Data project- this project was based on the five nights a Freddy’s franchise and how to help kids better navigate the venue with these apps

On the Netflix PowerPoint was about the history of Netflix and how it came to be! I really had fun learning more in depth about it.

On the data project, we were to track something so I decided to do calorie intakes and do a summary on it. I would say the impact of calorie counting can help you reach a goal faster than without it.

Major takeaway from this course is that improving something current is really fun and I would say helpful! I was surprised that all the projects I did, I learned a lot about the topic I choose. I think my least favorite part was when I first did the calorie counting project because collecting data for food intake took a lot of attention and I would almost forget. A change I was going to make was on the calorie counting project because the colors I choose where a bit contrasting so I would go with a dark then lighter color. Overall, I’m glad I decided to minor in DTC! I know for a fact it will be useful for me in their future with my career and hobbies as well.